Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas with the Starkeys

Mike's current job is at the airport which is open 365/24/7. Mike's shift is Sunday through Wednesday and Friday from 4 PM until 11 PM. Yes, lucky Mike is scheduled to work on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, NYE, and New Years Day. Really stinks. So, in order to coordinate the Christmas holiday, we had Christmas with Mike's family on Saturday. Here are a few pics from the day:

Cameron and Grandpa

Connor may be small but it still really hurts when he stands on your toes.

Connor discovered he could make a fish face this week. He was doing it all weekend. So funny!

Nana must have something good!

Dad getting some loving from Cameron

Opening the presents was fun but a bit overwhelming for the boys. It was just about bedtime when we started the gift exchange and they were very confused by us trying to show them how to tear the paper. Since this was their first Christmas and they probably don't remember their birthday six months ago, they just didn't know what was going on. So, there are no pictures from my camera since I was so busy with at least one if not both boys in my lap during this time. Mike may have taken some but they're in his phone.

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