Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Kaylie

Kaylie's birthday was on Christmas but she had her party on the following Saturday. Here are some pictures from the day.

By this time, the boys had the unwrapping thing down and were very willing to help Kaylie out with this task.

Happy Birthday to you...

Once she got the hang of it, she really enjoyed her cake. Check out her dimples! So cute!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas at the Starkeys

We had such a great time with Nana, Grandpa & Granny tonight. We normally spend Christmas Eve with the Starkeys but had to celebrate Christmas a little late this year due to me being sick. Today was so much fun though!

Here's Cameron posing with one of Nana's many snowmen. She alwasy has such a festive home at the holidays.

Cameron showing Granny the best present ever - a baloon!

Faces of joy

And then, it's time for unwrapping

The hug... here Connor is telling Granny thank you for his gift. He could also be saying I love you, I'm sorry, I hope you feel better... Aren't hugs the best?

The ticklish dinosaurs were big hits with the boys

We had such a great time. Thank you Nana, Grandpa and Granny!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas morning

We celebrated our first Christmas as a family this morning. The boys still didn't really get the whole unwrapping presents thing but it was still a special morning for us!

The tree and gifts all set up

The rocking horse was actually a present from Grandpa Starkey. He made it!

Opening stocking stuffers in bed.

Connor wearing his new sun hat

Cameron sitting in Dad's lap. Dad thought the swim trunks made a MUCH better hat.

This Christmas business is seriously stressful for toddlers. Our guys were in total overload and melting down and it wasn't even 10 AM. So we packed up and headed to my parents for Christmas morning there.

Kaylie likes her new glasses and knows they go on her head...

Connor liked them too

After all the unwrapping madness was over

Efrain and Kaylie

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas with the Starkeys

Mike's current job is at the airport which is open 365/24/7. Mike's shift is Sunday through Wednesday and Friday from 4 PM until 11 PM. Yes, lucky Mike is scheduled to work on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, NYE, and New Years Day. Really stinks. So, in order to coordinate the Christmas holiday, we had Christmas with Mike's family on Saturday. Here are a few pics from the day:

Cameron and Grandpa

Connor may be small but it still really hurts when he stands on your toes.

Connor discovered he could make a fish face this week. He was doing it all weekend. So funny!

Nana must have something good!

Dad getting some loving from Cameron

Opening the presents was fun but a bit overwhelming for the boys. It was just about bedtime when we started the gift exchange and they were very confused by us trying to show them how to tear the paper. Since this was their first Christmas and they probably don't remember their birthday six months ago, they just didn't know what was going on. So, there are no pictures from my camera since I was so busy with at least one if not both boys in my lap during this time. Mike may have taken some but they're in his phone.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Morning Stories

Mike helps me with the boys every morning. Here he's reading stories to them to keep them occupied until I'm ready to go.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Surprise visit

This weekend Ashley and her boyfriend, Rod, stopped by to visit. That was quite a stop since they live in Chicago. We hadn't seen Ashley since April so it was a great surprise.

Connor laughing

Grandparents having fun with their grandbabies

Mom and Cameron laughing

This was our Christmas card photo

This one also went in some of our Christmas cards

Boys playing

The lovebirds

Cameron saying good-bye to Ashley. You can tell he'll miss her!

We all will!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Cute pictures

Cameron playing the drum

Connor showing off a picture

Thursday, December 6, 2007

18-month Dr. Visit

Here are the boys' stats.

weight: 24 lbs 4 oz (30%)
height: 31" (20%)
head circ: 18.25" (20%)

weight: 24 lbs (30%)
height: 31.5" (30%)
head circ: 18.5" (30%)

They're still small but gaining on the charts with each visit. Our pediatrician thinks they're doing great. So do we!

I wasn't there for this visit so I'm not sure what happened but Connor is actually about 3 cm or just over an inch taller than Cameron. I'm not sure why they are only showing him .5" taller or whose measurement is off but it is definitely off.

Monday, December 3, 2007

18 month update

The boys are SO toddlers now. They are super high energy, constantly on the move and, if things do not go their way, they have no problem showing their frustration. For Cameron, this display typically includes forgetting how to walk, melting into a puddle on the ground and crying. Connor's displays usually consist of stomping feet with crying. Cameron's outbursts are more frequent than Connor's but I have no doubt that Connor will catch up soon. He's always learning from Cameron. Yippee.

The energy levels of both of them are amazing. It's like we give them crack or something. They are always running and L O V E to throw everything. If it can be picked up and held by a little hand, it can and will be thrown. Small heavy objects do not exist in our house right now. Those would be deadly. But food, oh, that cannot be stopped... and it drives Mike absolutely crazy. Cameron often finds it more entertaining to throw his food than to eat it. Connor will imitate this and/or start mashing the food that's left once he's full and/or bored with a meal.

Both boys are talking now. Cameron is quite the mimic and will at least attempt most things you ask him to say. Some words sound right, others are just sounds. Connor has mastered mommy and daddy but often calls us the other name. Very funny. He also will tell you what a monkey says and tries to tell you what the dog and cat say but not as successfully. Both boys have mastered Nana which thrills their Nana's but they don't realize that Nana is also their grandma's names - they are saying it only for banana right now. They also have learned the sign for banana - but I mean that loosely. NO ONE else would know that was what they were signing so, thankfully, they say nana at the same time.

Cameron is quite a little comic. If he gets the slightest inclination that you are amused by something he's done, he will build upon it. He loves to laugh and have others laughing too. He's very friendly and has no fear. He's very cuddly right now... when he's not running. If he wants a break from running, he wants to be held. And he's not terribly picky either. He will go to just about anyone to be picked up or to sit in their lap. I've had him wait down other parents arriving at day care just to get a ride into the building. Out in public places, he goes up to perfect strangers, arms up asking to be picked up. Of course, if I'm not right there, they get a look of panic with "OMG! Where are your parents!?!?!" written all over their faces. It's really embarrassing since I'm so close by. Cameron is just really friendly with NO TRACE of stranger anxiety. He's the consummate baby charmer.

Connor is getting very independent. He's very content to be doing things on his own. And he frequently imitates Cameron. This takes many forms - taking the toy away that Cameron was doing something fun with, imitating Cameron's food throwing techniques, and the like. Connor is still VERY attached to me. If I am around, there are only a very select few that Connor will go to including Mike, Ms. Delsa and my mom. Some days he still acts like he's been set on fire if I leave the room. Those are long days so, thankfully, they aren't very frequent.

I feel so lucky. After our nightmare experiences of getting no sleep with these guys when we were first united, they have become the BEST sleepers! They normally go to bed around 7:30 and fall asleep (or at least stop making any noises - playing or fussing) within 10 minutes. On week days, they wake up between 5:45 - 6:15 AM (about 15 - 30 minutes after I start making noise getting ready for work). On weekends, they will sleep until 7 since we don't want to get up any earlier than we have to! Nap time has even gotten easier. Connor has finally consented to sleeping for more than 45 minutes and both boys get 1.5 - 2 hour naps around lunch time. So nice!

Both guys are flashing some seriously toothy grins these days. Cameron's front grill is all in and he flashes it often. He also has all 4 molars and the tips of all 4 incisors poking out. Poor guy chewed on his hands for a few days while his incisors came through ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Connor still has only 7 of the 8 front teeth. That last bottom one is nowhere in sight. Three of the four molars are in and the fourth has barely started peaking through. They eat like champs. We cut things up for them but sometimes I wonder why we bother. They shove as much as they can fit into their mouths when they eat. It's amazing they don't choke themselves. I encourage taking bites, chewing with closed mouths and the like but it's like telling water not to get things wet. We brush their teeth every night as we have since they were 8 months old and they still don't like it. Some things don't change, I guess.

They are just the sweetest, cutest, most loveable little guys! Mike and I feel so blessed to have them in our lives. It's like everything they touch is new and fun! It is the neatest thing to experience.