Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My babies are becoming toddlers

In the last month, the boys have been working on their balance, babbling and learning how to get their way!

* are still great eaters. We've introduced several new foods with different textures and they are always willing to eat anything we give them.
* interact with each other more every day
* seem to enjoy bedtime more. They don't cry as much and can talk and interact with each other which seems to help. However, they don't keep each other up either. For example, when Cameron decides he's tired, he will just lie down and go to sleep. However, if he was previously entertaining Connor, Connor will start crying when Cameron goes to sleep. It's really cute.
* are starting to throw little fits. For example, when I have been sitting with them and stand up, Cameron will start throwing a hissy fit. Nothing has happened but he wants me to sit with him... all the time! The crying is different - no tears, no fear that I'm leaving - it's simply a cry that they want something that I'm not doing. Connor throws fits too but he tends to be more proactive. If I get up and leave the room, he will be crying while he's crawling to follow where I've gone.

* can stand without pulling up on anything
* has taken several steps but can't keep his balance for very long
* has a look of understanding - we're convinced he knows what's up even though he can't talk yet
* babbles a LOT but only ma ma is coherent for wanting me and da da for Mike
* got his 8th tooth
* responds with appropriate clapping to "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" (when he's in the mood)

* only crawls in the formal style - no more military crawl
* can balance for a bit when standing
* smiles and giggles more freely now
* walks holding onto objects
* babbling is limited to ba ba
* still loves books

They are still as cute as EVER! =)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day, we decided we'd go to the other coast, introduce the boys to pools and to the Atlantic. They weren't too sure about the pool at first but quickly decided it was fine. After Connor got over the newness of the pool, he was ready to take a nap in his float!

Visiting the Atlantic was not as relaxing. The waters were pretty rough and both babies got knocked down by big waves. It didn't phase them at all but it destroyed my camera!

This was right after Cameron's wipe out:

Monday, May 21, 2007

Cameron the ham!

Last night we put the boys down around 7:30. They normally settle down and fall asleep by 8 but, last night, they just did not want to go to sleep. So after several trips into their room to try and convince them it was time to sleep, around 8:30, I decided to go in and synch my Palm since they weren't sleeping anyway. While I was in there, I picked up Connor and we were standing by Cameron's crib when Cameron fell down. I didn't think much of it. He's a baby and he falls. But Connor thought it was hysterical. He was doing one of his big open mouth, head thrown back, belly laughs. Cameron got back up, was standing in front of us, and then fell again. Again, Connor cracked up. I started laughing. Cameron got more dramatic about it, putting his hands up in the air and making his eyes really big as he fell backward. It was the funniest, cutest thing ever! After a while of this, I needed to do something else with the computer so I put Connor in the crib with Cameron. He fell over and Cameron started crawling on top of him. They were laughing and wrestling. Very cute!

Also, Mike said that Cameron took his first step today! He's very good at standing unassisted now and Mike said he took a step and then sat down. So, not walking yet but any day now...


Just a cute picture of Kaylie & Cameron with Mike & Nana

Sunday, May 6, 2007


During a walk to our local park, we thought we'd let the boys try out the swings. They seemed to put Connor to sleep but Cameron was terrified of them!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Mom's attempts to get good pictures

I am a picture-holic and I do so want to have lots of pictures of the boys as they grow up. The problem is that the boys want me to hold them or climb me if they see me. The minute I get the camera out and try to get their attention for a picture, they immediately start coming toward me. So I found that getting on the other side of our sliding glass door worked pretty well but then there is glare...

So, I tried going inside, to convince them to sit nicely for a picture. Nope. Cameron was bouncing up and down and Connor wanted to be picked up.

So I asked for Mike's help. If I could sit with them, they might stay still long enough for a couple of pictures. That worked out pretty well. =)