Friday, June 1, 2007


The boys went to their pediatrician for their 12 month check ups and shots. Here are the latest stats:

weight: 19 lbs, 3.5 oz (10%)
height: 29 in (30%)
head circumference: 17.5 in (10%)

weight: 19 lbs, 14 oz (15%)
height: 29 in (30%)
head circumference: 18 in (35%)

The doctor thinks they are doing great (so do we!). However, I was disappointed for them that they hadn't gained a little more weight - we can't turn their car seats around until they break 20 lbs. At least they don't mind the car seats facing backwards too much. I just think they will enjoy facing forward more. I also don't think the height measurement is correct. Connor is clearly taller than Cameron by at least an inch. But, then again, I am not the doctor.

For reference, here are the stats from their 2/15/07 doctor visit:

weight: 16 lbs, 10.5 oz (3%)
height: 26 in (5%)
head circumference: 17 in (10%)

weight: 17 lbs, 6.5 oz (10%)
height: 26.5 in (10%)
head circumference: 17.25 in (15%)

They are certainly catching up!

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