Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meeting the Goods

I was so excited to finally get the chance to meet Laurie and her family this weekend. Laurie and Travis adopted their oldest son, Jackson, from Vung Tau a little more than a month before Mike and I traveled to pick up Cameron & Connor. I "met" Laurie through another FHSA family that was traveling with them to pick up their daughter. Laurie and Travis gave Mike and me one of the most special presents we will ever receive - pictures of our darling babies while we were DYING waiting to go and pick them up. Here is the link she sent me which I probably stared at for HOURS. When Laurie and Travis got back home with Jackson, they uploaded a video of their meeting Jackson which I must have watched a hundred times just to catch a glimpse of my baby, Cameron. When Laurie first walks into the baby room, you can see that Jackson and Cameron were lying together happily amusing themselves on the bed right before Jackson is picked up by one of the nannies to meet his parents.

I'm not sure where Connor is in the room. I know when Laurie and Travis were there, they said he was sleeping so he was probably in one of the many cribs pictured in the video.

Our boys have a unique shared history and it was so nice to finally meet the people I feel I know having followed their blog for so long. Laurie and Travis are such laid back, extremely nice and intelligent people and their children are all absolutely adorable. Here are the only pictures I was able to take since, after the trip down to the beach in the morning, my camera got a little wet and didn't work properly again for about a week.

The adorable Shane bug

Laurie and all of our boys enjoying the tidal pool

The Vung Tau trio

This picture cracks me up. Travis and I were trying to get some pictures of our guys together. Jackson kept playing and being his cute self. My guys, not so much. They really did not think this was a great idea. Don't you love how they show it?!

Jackson giving Cameron a great big hug

Laurie also posted a few pictures of the guys on her site. My boys really liked Laurie. If I mention that we are going to the beach, they respond "Laurie." I hope we can do it again soon!

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