Sunday, December 28, 2008

First bubble bath

They loved it. Can you tell?

Cameron dove right in and was so excited.

Connor was hesitant but concluded the bubbles were awesome!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Kaylie

Today we celebrated Kaylie's 2nd birthday.

The birthday girl

Cameron enjoying the party

The birthday song

Opening presents

Sharing a laugh with Nana

Connor doing his Elvis impression with Kaylie's new sunglasses

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Here's a picture of all of my favorites:

And here is Christmas joy (interrupted by Jack, our very hyper Doberman puppy):

Our very happy boys on Christmas morning:

On our way to Nana & Grandpa Warren's house that afternoon, I caught another one of our favorite things on film - Connor showing us where something is:

At Nana's, a pic of all the babes with Jackie:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

quick update

I'm so swamped but just wanted to share a couple of really quick updates.

Cameron has pooped soley in the potty for the last two days. He tells me he needs to go and then goes. We are so excited about this. Hopefully someday soon he will no longer like wet diapers.

Connor does not like to poop in the potty. Even when he knows he needs to go, he prefers to do it in his diaper. Connor has developed a bit of a stutter. He does this mostly when he's upset or anxious. I have no experience with stuttering. Does anyone know anything about it or know of a resource you could share with me?

Here's a cute picture, just because:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

The boys were so cute for Halloween. We had been talking about it for over a month - they were going to dress up like dinosaurs and go to people's houses. When the people answer their doors, say "Trick or Treat" and they will give you candy. The boys have been so excited. Here they are trying on their outfits for the first time (9/18/08):

Cameron - the cutest dino ever

Ok, Connor's the cutest dino ever

Can you tell they LOVE their costumes?

Here we are picking out pumpkins (10/25/08):

Getting the pumpkin ready (10/30/08):

On Halloween, we went to our friends' house, Jay and Dorothy, who were having a bit of a block party with all their neighbors and their children.

Here's Jay with daughter, Molly:

Kids in the backyard waiting to trick or treat:

We were waiting to trick or treat in a group but the boys were not happy being in their costumes so we went a little early. They did great!

Knocking at a door:

At one of the first houses, an elderly gentlemen opened the door. As he reached behind him to get his candy bowl, Cameron thought we were supposed to go in so he just went right on inside the house. It was so funny. Totally adorable. When people would offer them the bowl of candy, they didn't know what to do. Especially if the host said to go ahead and take another - that lead to them taking one after another, no end in sight. They had a great time though, no melt downs and they walked all by themselves the whole way. When we got back to Jay & Dorothy's it was dark but the boys were still doing well. Then a "scary" family showed up. Poor Connor saw a little boy dressed in a faceless mask with two red lights for eyes and literally screamed he was so scared. The dad was dressed in all black and had painted his face black with a little green around the eyes. After this, the boys would not leave my lap, they were too frightened. They hadn't seen anything like that before and weren't too happy about it!

It was nice cuddling with them though. :-)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Politics: Why Obama?

My blog-friend Nicki asked her readers to post why they are voting for the candidate they are. She posted a follow up to that after casting her ballot that was so thorough and well written, I must encourage you all to read it here.

I did however, end up writing an email to a friend of mine which essentially stated why I was excited to support Obama. Here is the letter:

Hi G-,

I respect you and value your opinions. Nothing you've said offends me and I appreciate the clarifications. I've thought about your email a lot since I read it yesterday. I want to write a well thought out, non offensive response. I doubt this will be as great as I'd like and I apologize in advance for my lack of pith or if anything comes across poorly.

The reason I support Obama is not because he and I share all views. In fact, according to a match up site I did, I am only a 64% match with Obama's platform (10% with McCain). What Obama does so well and that I find absolutely critical for a President is surround himself with the best and brightest, research the subject thoroughly and try to find the best solution. He does not only go with his party, he tries to see all sides and do what is best. For example, I am an environmentalist, total tree hugger here. When Obama said during his acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination that his plan for energy independence included off-shore drilling, clean coal and increasing nuclear energy, I literally gasped. Horror of horrors! But I understand his point. We have to do something NOW AND build a future that plans to not have drilling, coal and nuclear as the only means of providing energy in this country. I get it. Don't necessarily like it but I understand.

On taxes, I disagree with your stance. I don't think American companies or wealthy individuals suffer from their tax burden. If they did, they would move as you've said but they don't. They find other ways. Wealthy people stay wealthy even if their tax rate goes up. They are not rich, they know how to hold onto their wealth and no tax plan will take wealth away from them. People who find a way to make money but do not educate themselves on how to shield it from taxes and other things that try to take it away will not become wealthy and may feel bitter about the taxes they pay. I don't feel badly for them. Companies may have a higher tax rate but get other incentives at the local and federal levels which partly negate their tax burden. Taxes that must be paid by companies get passed on to consumers. The company does not suffer. I am not an expert on tax policies and their impacts on the economy but I trust Obama to surround himself with experts in this field to enact proper tax policies. I would like to mention, that this year's Nobel Prize in Economics was given to Paul Krugman for his "analysis of trade patterns and where economic activity takes place" (taken from this BBC news article). He is an expert in economics and he rails against Bush's economic policies. Additionally the list of economists who have endorsed Obama is impressive. Other than Krugman, there are 5 other Nobel laureates endorsing him. Here is a list of all Obama endorsements.

As for Rev Wright, I understand how unnerving it is to see his hate filled rhetoric and I can understand the negative impact that would have on one's view of Obama by such a long association. I encourage you to watch the PBS show [Frontline: The Choice 2008] for some of their insights into that situation. From my perspective, I don't hold it against Obama. I will give Rev Wright the benefit of the doubt that he does not get in front of his parishioners every Sunday to say what a crappy place the US is. I will venture to guess that if he has that large of a following and for so long his messages are usually uplifting and encourage those in attendance to do good in this world, to be the hand of God. I understand that blacks face struggles in society that I do not and I know that a black minister has to address those struggles in a way that a white minister to his white parishioners would not. Do I agree with his comments? Of course not. Was he out of line? Maybe. I didn't hear the whole sermon to know. But Obama probably did and if the overall message was good with some really awful comments made to stress a point, well, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

As for change, I no longer think that McCain would even attempt to deliver the change this country desperately needs. He used to be a free thinker but he has changed in that regard. Maybe it's just his desire to get into the White House and he will move back to his old "maverick" ways. However, his choice of Palin makes me really question that. She is like Cheney and even more scary to me. I know that you like her so I'm sorry if I'm offending you. She is completely unprepared for the office she is running for (she doesn't even know the actual role of VP based on her response in the VP debate) and even more woefully unprepared to lead our country should McCain not complete a term (based on actuarial tables there is a 1 in 6 or 7 chance that he will not and that does NOT take into account his actual health which has cancer in the mix). I am always fascinated to learn of others who really support her since I just absolutely cannot understand it based on all I've seen and learned of her. Maybe you can educate me on her strengths and positive leadership traits.

I think endorsements for Obama from the likes of Warren Buffett and Colin Powell also say a lot. The wikipedia list of endorsements for Obama is impressive (excluding the Senators and Congressmen since those are just expected and almost always along party lines). I am especially impressed by the scientists endorsing him - I'm very into science and rational fact-based research. McCain's wikipedia entry does not have the economic or scientific endorsements like Obama's. I am also impressed with the number of Republicans in general supporting Obama. Here's another site if you haven't already been that may be of interest:

I absolutely agree with you that Americans have become greedy, lazy, stupid and/or feel entitled. It absolutely makes me sick. I am totally with you that people need to work to improve their situations and nothing in life entitles them to anything but paying taxes and dying. I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear Obama tell people during his acceptance speech and several times since then many things along these lines. From his acceptance speech (if you haven't seen it, you really, really should).

"What is that American promise? It's a promise that says each of us has the freedom to make of our own lives what we will, but that we also have obligations to treat each other with dignity and respect... ours is a promise that says government cannot solve all our problems, but what it should do is that which we cannot do for ourselves: protect us from harm and provide every child a decent education; keep our water clean and our toys safe; invest in new schools, and new roads, and science, and technology... Yes, we must provide more ladders to success for young men who fall into lives of crime and despair. But we must also admit that programs alone can't replace parents, that government can't turn off the television and make a child do her homework, that fathers must take more responsibility to provide love and guidance to their children. Individual responsibility and mutual responsibility, that's the essence of America's promise."

I believe that Obama will do the things he says - he will invest in clean energy technologies that will bring high earning jobs back to our country. I believe that he will improve our relationships with countries around the world. I believe he will get us out of Iraq in a responsible, efficient manner. I believe he will actually engage our military to find Osama Bin Laden and cripple if not destroy Al Qaeda. I believe that he will responsibly increase tax revenue and reduce wasteful spending. I believe he will work with all members of the house and senate - democrats, republicans, independents - to bring about the changes we need.

These are just my opinions though. I know I'm not in the majority on most of my views but I am so excited to vote for a person who will consider all views before making decisions.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Politics: Powell endorses Obama

I have much respect for Colin Powell and this endorsement of Obama is so clearly articulated! How is anyone still voting for McCain / Palin?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tin Foil Hats

Today is my birthday. Mike should be easy on me, right? I decide to check my email before heading to work. I see what looks like an interesting article in the NY Times. Mike asks what I'm reading and I tell him to which he replies, "You know they are very liberal paper." I'm so tired of hearing how liberal just about every newspaper and news channel is. I snap. I tell him that I watched the debate and they are not reporting anything I did not see for myself. I tell him if he's so concerned about how liberal the paper is, he should just get his tin foil hat out. So he did. And made some for the boys too. Aren't they cute?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Politics: McCain's military judgement

My poor children - they have to grow up with a political junkie of a mom. I know I've completely hijacked their site with my political views but this will only last for another month or so. ;-)

That said - I found another great video. I realize that a totally leftist group put it together and it is, therefore, inherently biased. So am I. Oh well. The clips however are not taken out of context. McCain really did say and believe (?) all the things Obama leveled at him during debate #1 related to going to war in Iraq. Here is the clip:

Friday, October 3, 2008

Politics: Bidan & Palin Debate

I was really disappointed that Palin did not deliver a comedic performance as she has been. So, to make up for the lack of amusement from Thursday's debate, here's another great clip where Palin tries very unsuccessfully to BS an answer about which cases other than Roe v. Wade she disagrees with:

The most meaningful part of the debate for me (especially since Palin really has no clue about the state of the union or world) was when Biden shared part of his personal story:

I personally respect the places that Biden and Obama have come from and what they have been through to make them who they are. I also respect that McCain survived being a POW and has continue to serve his country through service in the Senate. What I do not respect about McCain is his character. McCain's first wife, Carol, a former model, married John in 1965 after her first marriage ended due to her first husband's affair. John adopted Carol's sons and they had a daughter together. John was captured in 1967. Carol was involved in a horrible accident in 1969 that resulted in her being "operated on a dozen times and in the treatment she lost about 5 inches in height." (LA Times 7/11/08) John was released in 1973 and started his political career. In 1979 John saw Cindy and started courting her but didn't file for divorce from Carol until 1/7/80. I know divorce is common as are affairs but I think it shows the character of someone who deserts their family of almost 15 years to run after some new woman. McCain is also notorious for his irrational behavior (like the selection of Palin, another former model, as his VP) and hot temper. Thinking about McCain and Palin in charge of our country actually scares me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Politics: Palin channeling Tina Fey

All I can think is that Sarah wants to take Tina's place on SNL. This is hysterical. It only makes me scared and speechless to know she wasn’t actually joking. I wonder how Katie was able to keep it together at all interviewing this woman.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Politics: Palin

Is this for real? Is America seriously going to let this woman possibly be in charge of our country? Oh my word! Here's a clip of her interview with Katie Couric.

This is insulting to me as a woman. Could McCain really not find a more intelligent woman to put on the ticket with him? This HAS to be some kind of joke... Not only is she frighteningly unprepared and uneducated but she scares me with her religious references - "the US is the force of good in the world," "the evil that he (Iranian president) speaks," "good guys," and the "bad guys."

The SNL skit was hysterical. But, it was so close to reality it was also a bit scary!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Today the boys and I did quite a bit of shopping. I always try to sit them in the two-seater carts and today we lucked out with one at both Wal-Mart and Publix. While in Wal-Mart, I saw Connor reach over and grab Cameron's hair. I've never seen him do this before and Cameron didn't really seem to care (he's a tough kid) but I told Connor that we don't pull hair and to tell Cameron he was sorry which he did. I told him to give Cameron a hug to make it better which he did. Shortly thereafter, I saw Connor lean into Cameron (they were sitting across from each other) to try and give him a kiss. Cameron leaned in and they kissed. Then Connor did it again... and again... and again. If Cameron wasn't looking at Connor, Connor would make kissing sounds to get Cameron's attention and then Cameron would lean in to kiss Connor. One time Cameron was busy looking at something and didn't hear Connor making the kissy noises so Connor said "besito" (kiss in Spanish) to get his attention. It was the sweetest, cutest thing I think I have ever seen. It was so spontaneous. My boys love each other and it makes me so happy to see.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I can't believe it! Both boys pooped on the potty for the first time tonight (that I know of since they may have already done this at school and I just don't know about it)! Connor wanted to use the big toilet *I assumed* so he could pee so I had him stand on the seat and reminded him to aim carefully. I then got Cameron set up on the little toilet so he could sit down and go potty. Connor had been standing there for a few minutes and did not appear to need to pee but then I saw the big poop about to fall - right into the toilet. I was so excited I called Mike so he could see too. As Mike came in Connor had another little poop fall into the toilet. I was so excited and happy for Connor. He was really happy for himself too. We were high fiving and saying bye to the poop as Connor flushed. Very exciting stuff!

Cameron totally did not want to be outdone so he managed to get a little poop out and into the little potty which we then excitedly dumped into the big toilet to flush and say good bye. He was pretty proud of himself too. So am I!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Politics: RNC - what about policies?

I didn't watch the entire coverage for either party’s conventions but I did watch the key speakers at the Republican National Convention this week - Sarah Palin, Cindy McCain, and John McCain. Sarah was just nasty (such pretty girls shouldn't frown and sneer so much), Cindy was a drip (and flaunting the corrupt way she chose to adopt her daughter was just disgusting for me personally and seemed to make Bridget really uncomfortable too), and John was a bore (although I was quite touched when he explained how he came to love this country so). The utter lack of mention of how they will actually bring the change they keep claiming was most impressive. I heard blanket statements but no substance. After hearing Obama's acceptance speech, I was really expecting more. This was their chance to rise to the occasion. I was shocked that they didn't even try. Obama really said it pretty well on 9/3/08 in his address at a town hall in New Philadelphia, Ohio:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Politics: Bush

There are so many reasons that I have the utmost disdain for George W. Bush, it would be almost impossible to list them all. Here are my top 13 reasons I find the Bush administration appalling for their utter failure to serve the people who elected them and who represent them to the rest of the world:

1) Failing to capture Osama Bin Laden.
2) Misleading the US and the rest of the world about the unreliable information they had obtained which was supposed to show that Iraq was amassing WMD and that Saddam Hussein was tied to 9/11.
3) Being on vacation while Katrina was sitting as a category 5 hurricane in the middle of the Gulf and then not responding swiftly and appropriately once it reached and destroyed America's shores. (Didn't Jeb call him????)
4) Continuing huge tax breaks for large oil companies in times of record profits for them and massive deficits for the US. (I'm thinking W's not very good with math)
5) Refusing to end our occupation of Iraq while letting our honorable soldiers continue to be attacked - 4,150 Americans have been killed and more than 30,000 wounded in addition to countless Iraqi civilians.
6) Failing to provide proper medical and mental care for our veterans (remember Walter Reed Medical Center?).
7) Giving tax cuts to the wealthiest 2% during a time of war which is costing us $341 million per day (more evidence of W's lack of basic math skills).
8) Endorsing torture as a method to be employed by the military but then publically denying that torture is used at all (remember Abu Ghraib?). This is also a direct break with the Geneva Conventions which is just shameful.
9) Promising the Iraq war would lower gas prices.
10) Concealing the pre-9/11 Presidential Daily Briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."
11) Rejecting the Kyoto Treaty to stop climate change in addition to outright rejecting the notion that climate change was even occurring for the vast majority of his presidency.
12) Allowing Afghanistan to fall into chaos thereby allowing the Taliban and al Qaeda to regain control.
13) Telling the 45 million uninsured Americans "people have access to health care in America. After all, you just go to an emergency room." (7/10/07 in Cleveland) And, no, I did not pull that out of context. He really said it just like that as if that is really an acceptable means of obtaining health care.

These are just a few of the things Bush has done that really get me upset that, not only was he elected, he was RE-elected.

I remember during past election cycles, there was a lot of talk about how Americans thought W would be fun to have a beer with. I'm sure he would be! If you're into cocaine, I'm sure he was a blast on that too back in the day. And there are very good reasons people feel that way. W is a crack up, he's funny. He is not who should have ever been in charge of the greatest nation on earth! As evidence of his fun-loving, laid back nature, here are my favorites:

* Setting the record for most days on vacation by any president in U.S. history - this illustrates a very laid back nature.
* Turning a budget surplus into massive budget deficit - anyone that can spend that kind of money in 8 short years knows how to throw a party!
* Swiftboating John Kerry - this was a great example of making fun of someone. It was so outrageous though because, while Kerry actually served his country in VN, Bush was on vacation (again) in TX!
* Outing CIA agent Valerie Plame to retaliate for her husband, Joe Wilson, telling the truth about Iraq's WMDs. That's not really something fun but it is certainly something people can relate too - getting back at someone who really pissed you off.
* Trying to slash funding for PBS and NPR - those programs are just no fun always having educational, informative programs - SNORE!

Another thing that makes W someone you could have a beer with is his lack of intelligence. I've already pointed out his apparent lack of math skills - simple math skills. There is also a lack of leadership skills in his failure to hire the most qualified and instead choosing to fill appointed positions with his supportive, like-minded friends. Good leaders know that in order to make the best decisions they need a diverse team who will not only tell them what they want to hear but will present the facts even if they are unpleasant (um, sir, you really need to call off your vacation, it looks like a storm is going to destroy a few hundred thousand American's lives and it doesn't look like the NOLA government is handling it appropriately) or are not in agreement with you (no, actually, Saddam can't get his hands on anything dangerous anymore even if he still is one of the nastiest MFers on the planet, he can't harm any Americans or even his neighbors at this point).

What really blows my mind now is that the Republican nominee, John McCain, who agrees with Bush 90% of the time, is enjoying a remarkably CLOSE race with Obama. I just don't get it.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Politics: Obama

Prior to the Democratic National Convention, I already supported Obama because I agree with most of his policies and the things he wants to do in office. But his acceptance speech... that really "did" it for me.

This link has the speech with its transcript.

I am totally in awe of this man's incredible intelligence, superior leadership qualities (surrounding himself with the best and brightest in every area as well as understanding the necessity and brilliance of compromise to reach the best solution possible) and his ability to see and admit to the realities of a situation. I broke the bad news to Mike - I am in love. ;-)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


This year, Mike and I decided to have our family vacation at home the week of August 18th. We opted for the local vacation because we have toddlers. Driving or any other version of travel with them is miserable for everyone. Better to keep any travel to one hour or less. Plus, we aren't exactly flush with cash these days so staying and eating at home is much more economical then traveling anywhere. So, we decided this was the way to go back in March/April… sometime BEFORE hurricane season. Our plans were to go to the zoo, the water park, the beach, and boating - typical Florida vacation plans. All beach and boating activities were cancelled due to not a single meteorologist knowing where or when Tropical Storm Fay was going to reach the states. Tampa was in the middle of the "cone" at one point meaning that several of our plans instantly became non-options - the beaches were unsafe, boating was impossible, the zoo was closed. How fun! It was nice to be home and spend some great family time together but sometimes hurricane season can really be a drag. We did make it to the zoo on the 20th which was a lot of fun. Here are my favorite pictures from the day.

Feeding the giraffes crackers was really memorable for the boys. If you mention giraffes now, the boys normally respond "crackers."

The camel ride was very intense. At first Connor was NOT going to do it and Cameron only did it with me reluctantly.

However, after seeing Cameron and I ride the huge animal safely, Connor (and Daddy) wanted to go too!

The animals were most memorable for the boys but they sure had a LOT of fun in the water fountains.

The looks of pure joy just make me smile. :-D

We did make it to the water park as planned on Thursday with Nana, Titi and Kaylie which was a lot of fun. It was overcast almost the entire day and sprinkled on us a few times but at least it wasn't blazing hot in usual August fashion and no one burnt so it was a perfect day. All the babes really enjoyed it even when Kaylie and Cameron ended up going under water with Titi and me at the end of one of the slides - we both lost our footing and went under with our children. Oops! They still wanted to do it again. Of course none of us brought a camera so there are no pictures to share but that's probably a good idea with my history of vacations with water and cameras. At least mine is still working right now!

The rest of the staycation we just hung out, ran errands, went shopping - like an extended weekend. Oh well! Next year we will be out of town so at least the hurricanes shouldn't be too much of an issue for us!

Mommy's bed

The boys' new favorite toy is our bed. I think they call it Mommy's bed bacause I'm the one they are always asking to get into it. They like anytime they can be in the bed. On the weekends, they will drink their morning bottles with us in bed. On any given day, they love to climb up on the bed and jump and play. Here's a little clip showing one of those times.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

So sad... so many reasons

I haven't posted in ages. This is due to the fact that the boys literally stop me from being on a computer in their presence. Then, when I went to upload some pictures to our desktop about a week ago, I discovered it had erased all of the pictures I had there, which was all of them. I have completely lost all of June and July (I had previously downloaded the other pictures to the web). This is sad. But I just read a post on APV (a Yahoo discussion group for anyone involved in Vietnamese adoptions) and saw this posted. This disturbs me for so many reasons:
* Cameron & Connor were born in and adopted from Vung Tau, one of the six counties in which arrests have occurred
* We received falsified documentation at referral (their initial medical reports were incorrectly translated - "positif" as "negative" - which was not discovered by us until after the G&R; we actually were not allowed to see the original French medical reports until after we received their visas and were on the way to the airport to come home)
* We have several reasons to believe other paperwork surrounding their abondonment was less than truthful
* The agency we used, FHSA, works with a known criminal previously found guilty of visa fraud charges, My Linh Soland
* FHSA was denied Hague accreditation in May. For those not involved in intercountry adoption, the Hague is a treaty that governs intercountry adoptions between the United States and nearly 75 other nations. As stated on the U.S. Dept of State's site, "The Hague Adoption Convention protects children and their families against the risks of unregulated adoptions abroad, and ensures that intercountry adoptions are in the best interests of children. The Convention also serves to prevent the abduction, sale of, or traffic in children." Vietnam has not adopted these rules yet.
* Just as a strange coincidence, the boys were named Hoa and Binh by their orphanage director (no longer at the orphanage as of Dec-07 when the Goods went to visit). Hoa Binh is another one of the six counties in which arrests have occurred.

I guess my crying is the only thing keeping the boys from tearing me away from the computer right now. To say I am devastated is an understatement. My heart is just breaking. My worst fears and suspicions have been further confirmed. Now we just wait to hear the details. So, so sad.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A toddler workout

To a toddler, everything is fun and anything can be a toy. Here the boys are playing on the exercise equipment. They get more exercise on it than anyone else in the house! And they ENJOY it! Amazing!

I have never seen anyone else on exercise equipment as happy as Connor is here.

Cameron seeing if he can crawl along this metal bar. He is dangerously daring!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pool Fun

The boys have so much fun in their little pool. I think they like it best because they feel safe. It won't knock them over like waves at the beach. If they fall, they just sit up unlike in a big pool. They can move and play without assistance. They love it.

Pictures from the day

Here is a little video I took of them being so funny doing a countdown and then throwing their water.

This is one of my new favorite pictures - I don't think my lap is going to be big enough to meet demand for much longer.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Politics: 'Tis the season

And I'm not referring to Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas. It's election time!!!

I do try to NOT discuss politics much, especially from where I sit. I grew up in Texas and am now in Florida - both are very red states. I also am a CPA which is traditionally a Republican crowd. I can't say "conservative" because not all accountants/professionals are evangelical Christians but they do tend to have conservative economic/tax philosophies of which many I share. However, I am a democrat. I was so excited that my first election had Gore on the ticket... as VP. I was really excited about him because of his environmental positions and I knew if Clinton could win and keep it for the second term, Gore would be a shoe in. I didn't sleep much that Tuesday, November 2, 2000. I was actually in class when CNN showed Gore winning the state of Florida. By the time I got home that night after class, Florida was red. WHAT??? Gore won the popular vote and lost the election. I was devastated. I had grown a bit embarrassed for my guy though as I watched him make the most ridiculous comments all brought up during the campaign (i.e. "I invented the internet"). There were many. It was embarrassing but I still had hope. And then he conceded and it was my state that lost it for him. It was sad but life goes on. The last election was unfortunately pretty boring. Nothing could be worse than George W. Bush but I don't think anything could be more boring and annoying to listen to than John Kerry. Seriously - how did he get the democratic nomination? Did people just vote for him so he'd stop talking? Anyway, that was a drag but this election is the most exciting one for me yet. I'm finally voting FOR a candidate again and not against one or for the hope of a future one.

Barack Obama has the most unlikely circumstances to have ever even dreamed of running for the highest post in this country. I love that he has risen to the occasion.

Obama is an extraordinarily talented speaker and a very positive one. He doesn't try to win people to his side by scaring them of the other. His is a message of hope and bringing people together. I love it!

Obama's economic policy is essentially that government should stay out except where it is needed. Businesses will respond to market pressures to produce better products cheaper. What they won't always do voluntarily is make sure they protect their employees and/or leave the Earth unhurt while making those products. Government needs to step in to make sure hazardous waste isn't dumped in our water; working conditions for workers are safe; etc. I totally agree!

Obama supports a woman's right to choose. He wants to invest in technology to replace our dependence on oil for energy. He is focused on making sure all Americans have health care - the poor, those with pre-existing health conditions, EVERYONE. He understands the need to join with the global community and not to try and force them into doing what he wants. I'm so excited about the possibility of him becoming our next president! It's official - I'm an Obama mama!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meeting the Goods

I was so excited to finally get the chance to meet Laurie and her family this weekend. Laurie and Travis adopted their oldest son, Jackson, from Vung Tau a little more than a month before Mike and I traveled to pick up Cameron & Connor. I "met" Laurie through another FHSA family that was traveling with them to pick up their daughter. Laurie and Travis gave Mike and me one of the most special presents we will ever receive - pictures of our darling babies while we were DYING waiting to go and pick them up. Here is the link she sent me which I probably stared at for HOURS. When Laurie and Travis got back home with Jackson, they uploaded a video of their meeting Jackson which I must have watched a hundred times just to catch a glimpse of my baby, Cameron. When Laurie first walks into the baby room, you can see that Jackson and Cameron were lying together happily amusing themselves on the bed right before Jackson is picked up by one of the nannies to meet his parents.

I'm not sure where Connor is in the room. I know when Laurie and Travis were there, they said he was sleeping so he was probably in one of the many cribs pictured in the video.

Our boys have a unique shared history and it was so nice to finally meet the people I feel I know having followed their blog for so long. Laurie and Travis are such laid back, extremely nice and intelligent people and their children are all absolutely adorable. Here are the only pictures I was able to take since, after the trip down to the beach in the morning, my camera got a little wet and didn't work properly again for about a week.

The adorable Shane bug

Laurie and all of our boys enjoying the tidal pool

The Vung Tau trio

This picture cracks me up. Travis and I were trying to get some pictures of our guys together. Jackson kept playing and being his cute self. My guys, not so much. They really did not think this was a great idea. Don't you love how they show it?!

Jackson giving Cameron a great big hug

Laurie also posted a few pictures of the guys on her site. My boys really liked Laurie. If I mention that we are going to the beach, they respond "Laurie." I hope we can do it again soon!

Friday, August 8, 2008

More cute pictures of Jack

Here Cameron is putting a bunch of shoes on a peacefully sleeping Jack

Me with a very snuggly puppy

Monday, August 4, 2008

Connor used the potty

Connor used the potty at home for the first time tonight! His teacher has told me he's gone at school several times now but tonight was the first time with Mommy. I'm so proud of my little man!

Cameron had already used the potty right before Connor but didn't want him to be the only one in the limelight. Cameron then proceeded to stand in front of the little potty and successfully use it again. Show off!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cousins playing

Connor making sure Kaylie knows how to use the xylophone

Cameron getting some giggles from Kaylie

Titi and Kaylie