* Are turning into great little helpers. They will put things back where they go and are expert drawer and door closers. They get so excited when they help clapping their hands and smiling after completing a requested task. It's so cute!
* Are still great night time sleepers. They go down to sleep now most nights around 7:30 - 8 PM without a peep and even on the nights when they aren't quite ready to sleep they will entertain each other until they are ready to lie down. And they don't wake up until morning. Early morning, usually around 6 AM, but that is just the time they like to start the day. If we are really lucky, when we give them their milk bottles upon waking, sometimes they will fall back asleep for another hour or so which is a nice treat on weekend mornings!
* Has a full set of toddler teeth - all 8 front teeth plus all 4 of the 1 year molars. The difference is very clear when the boys are eating. Cameron eats about twice as fast as Connor now... when he feels like eating. He can get pretty cranky during mealtimes. I think it's because he wants something different - a different food or to feed himself rather than being fed but his way of expressing it is basically a meltdown.
* Talks up a storm and really tries to imitate the things you say. He's added tower, eat and meow to his growing vocabulary.
* Loves to be held and snuggled with. Not doing this on demand also results in a meltdown.
* Only his top jaw is pushing teeth through. He has all 4 front upper teeth plus both top molars are peeking through but he still only has the 2 middle bottom teeth.
* Is such a quiet and content little guy most of the time. He doesn't say much and doesn't melt down really at all (yet). He will cry but is pretty easy to appease.
* Is very independent and prefers to be on his own. When he is in the mood to snuggle it is usually when he is alone with me. He also insists on being held when he is around unfamiliar people or places.
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3 months ago
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