Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

This father's day, Cameron, Connor and Kaylie made Grandpa a father's day gift (with a little help from their moms). Here they are with the finished product.

How cute are they?!?!

Then the boys got to work on a little something for their Daddy.

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


We went to see Dr. Bhumi today for a well visit. The boys are developmentally on target with no areas of concern. Here are their measurements:

Height: 36" (15%)
Weight: 31.1 lbs (42%)
BP: 84/52

Height: 37.5" (49%)
Weight: 30.7 lbs (38%)
BP: 82/46

They're getting so big!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Very Happy 3rd Birthday

The boys looked forward to their "very happy birthday" for so long. Finally they got to celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!

First, they enjoyed a little school birthday party complete with ice cream cake.

Here's the class picture where they are all saying THREE!

Then we stopped by to see Nana & Grandpa Warren for some hugs

and kisses

When we got home, Granny and Nana & Grandpa Starkey were waiting to wish the birthday boys a very happy birthday too.

The balloons and fishing poles were big hits

A little birthday video

And then on Saturday they had their very happy birthday party at the train park. So fun!

After naps, my family came over for dinner. The cousins ended the night with a super fun bath together.

What could be more fun?