Monday, as we pull into the driveway, Cameron starts screaming “My penis hurts, penis hurts!” Screaming. Tears. I was stunned. With the car seat he can’t even get a hold of his penis. What on earth is going on?!?! So I jump out of the car and pull down his pants to see what’s wrong. He’s so scared, wants me to be careful, don’t touch. Poor guy. The foreskin tip was a little red but I couldn’t see anything more. He complained about it all night, even waking up once wanting to go to the bathroom on the potty. We put Neosporin on it and when he got up in the morning and was still very upset with the pain, I called the doctor. Tuesday morning we go to the doctor. I explain to Cameron while we’re driving that Dr. Bhumi is going to have to look at his penis to see what’s wrong so she can give him the right medicine to make it better. “Dr. Bhumi kiss it make it better?” “No, Dr. Bhumi is not going to kiss your penis. Dr. Bhumi is going to give us medicine to make your penis better. No one should put their mouth near your penis until you are a LOT older and ask them to.” I’m pretty sure he didn’t get all of that but it’s never too soon to teach them their rights to their bodies, right? Dr. Bhumi thinks it’s just a little infection the Neosporin should clear up. If it doesn’t improve, move on up to the oral antibiotics and so on. No worries as long as it’s not a recurring problem. These things happen.
We go to day care. I explain the problem to their teacher and the owner and they tell me he needs to move out of the pull ups and into big kid pants. Cameron was not very happy about this AT ALL and was insta-melting. I think they worked on him all day because after school he was excited that we were going to the store to pick out some big kid pants. We got MANY. Connor even picked out a pack since he wanted to wear them too. While we are walking through Target, Cameron, ever observant, notices the women’s underwear. “Bra! Bra for mommy!” “Yes, those are bras.” “Boobies! Does daddy have boobies too?” “Yes, Daddy has boobies too.” What great conversations to have with two-year olds in public. Gotta love it!
We talked about wearing the big kid pants that night and they were very excited. Wednesday morning they were excited picking out which big kid pants to wear. So cute! Well, the drive to daycare averages 45 minutes which is about as long as they can go without peeing so I wanted to put a diaper on under the big kid pants just for the ride there and then take it off before taking them into school. That started Cameron into full on melt down. He did not want to wear big kid pants at all and only wanted to wear the diaper. Or at least that is what he told me. I couldn’t get him to explain and sometimes he tells you the exact opposite of what he wants so it’s hard interpreting some days. Wednesday was one of those days. Connor was such a sweetie, so quiet. Watching Mommy and Cameron melting down takes it out of him I think. Cameron made it all day in his big kid pants with no accidents! Connor had an accident, but was up for trying again Thursday. Both boys came home in their big kid pants today. I am so proud of my boys. They are so proud of themselves too!
Protected: The End of the End
3 months ago