Sunday, June 15, 2008

2 year check up

The boys went for their annual check up today. Here are their stats:

weight: 25 lbs 12 oz (15%)
height: 33 1/4 in (20%)
head circ: 18 in (25%)

weight: 26 lbs 4 oz (25%)
height: 34 3/4 in (60%)
head circ: 19 in (40%)

They are both doing great with their physical and verbal development. And they are just as cute as ever!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Cameron & Connor turned TWO on Tuesday and enjoyed MUCH celebrating!

On their birthday, Mike and I celebrated at home with the boys. Poor Cameron was so sick though - as in throwing.up.his.birthday.cake.sick. Poor guy! It's just not fair to be so sick on your birthday! They did go to school for a while though on their special day and insisted on wearing their birthday crowns from school all day, and the next, and the next... It was very cute and of course I took tons of pictures but my computer ate them! If we ever get them recovered, I will load all of my favorites from their birthday week!

The big party day however was Saturday, June 7, which started at Nana & Grandpa Starkey's home. They enjoyed swimming and cake. Here's a clip of the boys blowing out their candles.

Possibly their favorite gifts this birthday were the Thomas The Train balloons Nana picked out for them.

After cake, it was time for naps at home. Well rested, the boys went for more fun at Titi's house (my sister's) where there was more swimming and cake. The boys had a blast. I made Elmo cakes for them and Mike and I gave them each a Tickle Me Elmo. They liked their cakes but were terrified of the dolls. I didn't even know that would be possible since they were so popular and Connor SLEEPS with his stuffed Elmo every night. But, there it was, our big gifts for the boys destined to collect dust in the garage. Oh well. All the other gifts were big hits, especially the fake bugs Nana Warren gave them. Ew! The boys were totally overwhelmed with all the candle blowing and gift unwrapping after this long party day.

Happy Birthday Cameron!
Happy Birthday Connor!
We absolutely ADORE you both!